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    Dear AFP GTC Members,

    I am pleased to share a link to “The PROMISE”.

    The PROMISE is a pledge that simultaneously reflects a new set of principles created to root the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Toronto Chapter (AFP GTC) in a set of meaningful standards that will underpin all of our relationships and interactions with you as our members, as well as with our volunteers, allies, and sponsors. Our PROMISE is to be:

    • Purpose-Driven
    • Re-conciliatory
    • Optimal
    • Member-Focused
    • Intuitive
    • Safe
    • Empathetic

    This PROMISE is a reflection of our knowledge of the ideals that we should hold ourselves to, as an organization seeking to serve the fundraising community in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). This is also a response to our Chapter’s leadership failure to adequately address racial discrimination and other forms of hurt, harm, and hate experienced by diverse groups.

    In establishing The PROMISE, we acknowledge and respect the role that many have played in building an important and influential AFP GTC over several decades. We also acknowledge the contributions and thought leadership of thousands of volunteers and the many staff and sponsors who have invested time and resources in the work of our Chapter.

    Please take a moment to read the PROMISE. Importantly, it is an expression of the aspirations of the Interim Board of AFP GTC and is inspired by the voices of those who have expressed their hope for our Chapter to continue its groundbreaking work towards racial equity and belonging, as well as the expressions of people who have participated in our recent and ongoing Listening Circles.


    Olumide Akerewusi

    Interim Chair