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    “Rebels, Renegades, and Pioneers”: The New Digital Issue of Advancing Philanthropy is Now Available!

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    Dear Readers:

    Welcome to the NEW Advancing Philanthropy! It’s time for change! These words apply to articles such as the cover story “Rebels, Renegades, and Pioneers” by Simone Joyaux and Ligia Peña, creators of the path-breaking conference track, and “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On,” Daryl Upsall’s heartfelt report on fundraising heroes who have shaken up the system to enact progress. It’s time for change! also refers to Advancing Philanthropy’s new look, from font to paper to binding to photography to graphic design. We would appreciate it if you would take time to review these changes and share any feedback on content or format you might have for future issues. Thank you!

    To read the new digital issue of Advancing Philanthropy, simply click here!

    What does the digital magazine offer? Briefly, you can:

    • email articles;
    • search the entire magazine and archived issues (back to October 2007—just click on the “Archives” tab) by author or key word;
    • link directly to additional resources from each article;
    • save your digital copy as a PDF; and
    • connect instantly to advertisers and resource partners!

    To manage whether you receive the print or digital Advancing Philanthropy, simply visit the “MyAFP ProfileMember Gateway” page ( on the AFP website.

    Members outside the United States and Canada automatically have access to the digital edition of the magazine and may select to receive the print magazine if they wish. Collegiate, Global, Young Professional and Small Organizational members automatically receive the digital magazine only.

    For additional information or if you have comments, please contact me at

    Susan Drake Swift
    Editor, Advancing Philanthropy