January 1st, 1970 / 12:00 am - 12:00 am

The Technophobic’s Guide to the Digital Fundraising Galaxy!

Discussion/Deep Dive
Speaker(s): Tanya Phillipps

In 2020, my fundraising career as an events and sponsorship manager was forever changed. In fact my role was literally on the chopping block, since the traditional live events industry came to a screeching halt. I had two choices, adapt and go all in on digital fundraising or become extinct. This session is a guide for all technophobes to not only embrace technology, but to succeed in the new digital fundraising galaxy. Inspired by Douglas Adam’s ‘The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy’ this session will take the audience through a step-by-step guide to set your organization up for success in this new digital world order. No longer will a ‘donate button’ or charity page suffice to attract the sophisticated 21st century donor, whether individual, major gift or corporate partner.


Learning Outcomes: 

1. Embracing change and technology – so many options

2. Create a team for success (small crew of subject matter experts)

3. Think DX – donor experience 

4. Innovation is your critical success factor