Senior Vice President, NS, PEI, NL
Heart & Stroke is seeking an experienced executive and proven successful fundraiser to join our team as Senior Vice President, NS, PEI, NL.
The Senior Vice President (SVP), NS, PEI, NL is an integral member of Heart & Stroke’s (H&S) Executive Team and will lead a dedicated team of employees and leadership volunteers in NS, PEI, NL, working collaboratively in a matrixed environment with colleagues across the country. With an understanding of the distinctive landscape in each province, the SVP will bring strategic, regional and provincial insights to the H&S planning process and move the strategy forward by aligning and leading the implementation of the fundraising plans to support the organizational strategic direction in each province. The SVP is a fund development champion and will serve as the spokesperson and ambassador for Heart & Stroke in the region and for the Foundation as a whole.
Reporting to and working closely with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada’s CEO, the Senior Vice President NS, PEI, NL will have functional reporting responsibility to the Executive Vice President, Fundraising and Marketing. With the senior volunteer support of the Provincial Advisory Boards (PAB) currently in recruitment phase, the Senior Vice President will provide leadership and management of fund development in NS, PEI, NL with a primary focus on major gifts, corporate, and peer to peer fundraising. This includes identifying, cultivating, soliciting, and stewarding donors, volunteers and partners (individuals, foundations and corporations) to enable the organization to deliver its critical mission and reduce the impact of heart disease and stroke in Canada.
Partnering closely with Heart & Stroke’s Mission team in NS, PEI, NL, the SVP will be an ambassador with the public and the provincial governments in NS, PEI, NL for our critical mission work, working in partnership with the NS, PEI, NL Provincial Advisory Boards on key mission priorities including, but not limited to, our Women’s Initiative, Signs of Stroke awareness campaign, and Cardiac Arrest initiative.
The Senior Vice President joins a passionate, committed and highly collaborative team of colleagues accountable for setting the direction for the organization through contributing to the development of strategy and annual planning. As an Executive Team member in our unified national organization, the SVP will strive to role model the Heart & Stroke Values and Behaviours. Possessing strong emotional intelligence and exceptional interpersonal skills, the SVP will inspire and engage employees, volunteers, donors, and other key stakeholders. The Senior Vice President will be a caring team player and connector who is able to build solid working relationships with peers and colleagues across the organization and within the Heart & Stroke community. The new incumbent will effectively energize, build and support teams of employees and volunteers. An active listener with a powerful communication style, the SVP will be an inspiring and influential leader and consensus builder, able to guide multiple constituents with unique needs, strengths and perspectives towards a common vision and goal. The new incumbent will have the ability to navigate and be effective within a complex matrix organization that values collaboration and teamwork as well as individual initiative and creativity.
With a sincere openness to continued growth and learning about equity, diversity and inclusion, the Senior Vice President, NS, PEI, NL will help build upon the Heart & Stroke’s collective efforts to strengthening the foundations of inclusivity and belonging, ensuring an environment where all are welcome and can thrive.
With integrity, excitement, drive and an authentic commitment to our mandate, the Senior Vice President, NS, PEI, NL will embrace and be inspired by our values to Champion Health, Practice Humility, Embrace Change, Drive Impact, Learn and Grow, and Be Heartfelt.
The ideal candidate will reside in Nova Scotia or St. John’s, NL. The new incumbent will work remotely and be expected to travel monthly within the region and quarterly to Toronto or other Canadian regions.
This is an exciting time to be part of Heart & Stroke. We have launched numerous compelling national mission-based fundraising initiatives and across the country, fundraising colleagues are working closely with the Mission team and Advisory Boards to develop donor engagement opportunities. We have a wonderful team of engaged, collaborative, and supportive colleagues and volunteers who strive together to help each other find success. We look forward to welcoming a new leader and colleague to our team!
Life. We don’t want you to miss it.™
That’s why Heart & Stroke leads the fight against heart disease and stroke. Powered by the commitment and generosity of our remarkable volunteers and donors, we fund life-saving research and help Canadians lead healthier lives. Heart & Stroke is a health charity active in communities across the country.
For more than 70 years, Heart & Stroke has been dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. Our work has saved thousands of lives and improved the lives of millions of others.
Our progress is real. Heart & Stroke is a leading funder of life-saving research, which has led to breakthroughs such as heart transplant surgery and a revolutionary stroke treatment that cuts the death rate by 50%. We empower Canadians to live healthier lives — from preventing and controlling high blood pressure to getting more physical activity. And we fight for change that will create better health for all, such as reducing salt in the food supply and improving access to stroke rehabilitation. But there’s a lot more to do. Much more.
An estimated 3.5 million more are living with the devastating effects of these diseases. And 9 in 10 Canadians have at least one risk factor, such as high blood pressure, obesity, tobacco use, lack of physical activity and diabetes.
To tackle these challenges, Heart & Stroke is focusing our efforts on areas where we can make the biggest impact: fighting for prevention; saving lives; transforming recovery; investing in life-saving research.
Heart & Stroke’s health promotion and advocacy programs across the country are saving lives every day. Working together with employees, volunteers, donors, and world-class researchers, Heart and Stroke is Canada’s most widely recognized and trusted authority on cardiovascular and cerebral vascular health.
Heart & Stroke and the dedicated researchers and clinicians we support have been generating life-saving knowledge and expertise that has completely revolutionized the treatment and prevention of heart disease and stroke. Heart and Stroke uses a rigorous peer-review process to ensure that only the best research is funded. Because of this approach, our funded researchers rank among the finest in the world.
In 2022, we invested nearly $24.2 million in life-saving research, and $31 million in advocacy, health promotion and community programs. These highlights show what some of the investments have achieved:
Investing in life-saving research
- A pacemaker innovation led by Dr. Jacqueline Joza that could prevent heart failure
- A breakthrough discovered by Dr. Ren-Ke Li that can regenerate damaged tissue after a heart attack
- Progress against challenges such as high cholesterol and atrial fibrillation– both key risk factors for stroke
Also in 2022, donors provided support for the first ever $5 million Heart Failure Research Network grant, which will fund a team of 100 researchers, led by Dr. Jean Rouleau at the Montreal Heart Institute, from across Canada working together to improve prevention, detection and management of heart failure. This major award leverages Heart & Stroke donor dollars through a partnership with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Mitacs.
Working to improve health equity
Studies have shown that different communities in Canada experience unique challenges in accessing treatment, diagnosis and support. Some face a greater risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Through our health equity strategy, we are committed to working alongside community partners to close gaps in diagnosis, treatment and care so all people in Canada can achieve optimal health outcomes.
Closing the gender research gap in heart and brain health: In 2022, we focused on developing the next phase of our women’s heart and brain health initiative (launched in 2016), including the formation of a new international initiative, the Global Cardiovascular Research Funders Forum, which seeks to address women’s health inequities.
Over the next few years, we will continue to put women’s health equity on the radar of all people in Canada so that every woman can get access to the support and care they need when it comes to their heart and brain health.
Personnel Awards for Black Scholars. This year, Heart & Stroke, along with Brain Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (CIHR-ICRH), announced the launch of new awards to support Black researchers in Canada. The Personnel Awards for Black Scholars will aim to promote Black representation within the heart and brain health research community.
Empowering Indigenous communities with brain and heart health knowledge: In 2022, Heart & Stroke began several initiatives, including many created in partnership with Indigenous-led organizations, aimed at sharing knowledge and tools with Indigenous communities to lower the risks of developing diseases and to lead healthy, active lives. This year, Heart & Stroke, along with its partners Brain Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (CIHR-ICRH) launched the Personnel Awards for Indigenous Scholars which aims to increase the number of highly qualified trainees working in heart and/or brain research from Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and Métis) communities whose traditional and ancestral territories are in Canada.
Promoting health to reduce risk factors
Nine in 10 people in Canada have at least one risk factor for heart disease and stroke. While some cannot be modified, many can be through healthy eating, regular physical activity and other behaviours. Heart & Stroke is committed to helping people in Canada live healthier lives by creating and promoting healthy environments.
Jump Rope for Heart: Heart & Stroke’s Jump Rope for Heart, active in schools across Canada, brings together students, teachers and families to learn about healthy habits while raising funds to support Heart & Stroke’s mission. In 2022, 475,000 students in 1,900 schools across Canada participated in the program.
Influencing healthy public policy: Heart & Stroke advocacy efforts resulted in key legislative and policy changes, including:
- Protecting youth and adults from nicotine
- Restricting the marketing of unhealthy foods to kids
- Helping people in Canada make more informed food choices
Saving lives
As a trusted leader in health education, Heart & Stroke is proud to work with health professionals and the public to equip them with the latest, evidence-based knowledge and tools to save lives and improve outcomes from heart disease and stroke.
Improving survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Heart & Stroke is committed to improving survival rates from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by 50% by doubling the CPR bystander response rate and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). This year, our network of over 8,500 instructors trained more than 360,000 people on how to provide emergency cardiovascular care and first aid.
Update of Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations: The Canadian Stroke Best Practices Recommendations (CSBPR) are the gold standard of stroke care and a key driver of systems change and delivery of high-quality stroke care in Canada. In 2022, Heart & Stroke published the seventh edition of the Virtual Stroke Rehabilitation module. Throughout the year, our Canadian Stroke Best Practices website received over 575,000 page views.
Public Awareness of Heart Failure: In February 2022, Heart Month 2022 was dedicated to increasing heart failure awareness, through our first public awareness initiative as part of the Heart Failure Action Plan. 36.1 million people were reached through earned media coverage, and the report was broadly distributed across Canada.
Raising awareness of stroke signs: Across Canada, Heart & Stroke champions our signs of stroke awareness campaign, FAST (Face, Arms, Speech and Time). In 2022, our awareness campaign generated an estimated 473 million impressions through public service announcements on TV, radio, billboards and transit ads.
Enhancing recovery
Heart & Stroke research and community outreach programs are focused on improving the recovery and overall quality of life of people affected by heart disease and stroke and their caregivers.
- Building community: Heart & Stroke’s Online Peer Communities saw an increase in membership, with 12% growth in our Community of Survivors (for people with lived experience), and 9% growth in our Care Supporters Community (for caregivers). Related programs include our Community Connect engagement newsletter.
- Engaging people with lived experience: Through our e-registry network, over 3,900 people who have experienced heart conditions or stroke and their caregivers or care partners received practical information and resources to support recovery and wellness.
Key Mission Activities currently in NL, NS, PEI
Among the key Mission initiatives of Heart & Stoke in each of the provinces, over the next two years, are:
Nova Scotia:
Cardiac Arrest:
Heart & Stroke is partnering with the Department of Education to embed our CPR and AED education program specifically developed for schools into the classrooms of junior and senior high school students in the province. This will result in thousands of youths each year learning a life-saving skill and bringing it into their communities where they may save the life of a parent, friend, or neighbor.
Research: We support some of the best in-class researchers in the province to advance science in a variety of important areas within heart disease and stroke including:
- Exploring how to protect heart health in aging women and men.
- Determining how hypertension (high blood pressure) can affect the heart and cause irregular heart rhythms.
- Researching how nanoparticle drug delivery could protect and repair the brain after damage done by a stroke.
Newfoundland and Labrador:
Heart & Storke is partnering with Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services and the Department of Health and Community Services to update their Provincial Stroke Strategy and standardize their care delivery model so that Newfoundland and Labradorians will receive the best in-class care for stroke regardless of where they live in the province. This change will significantly improve the outcomes and quality of life of Newfoundland and Labradorians who experience a stroke.
Prince Edward Island:
Tobacco and Vaping:
Heart & Stoke is working closely with the government of PEI to advance important public health policy aimed at reducing the high rates of vaping and tobacco use by youth in the province. We have worked to make PEI the first province to raise the legal age of purchasing tobacco products to 21 and aim to encourage further legislative changes such as increasing the tobacco tax and banning of disposable e-cigarette products.
- What we do: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do
- Impact: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/our-impact
- Report to Donors: https://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/our-impact/report-to-donors
- How your $1 is spent: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/finances
- Research: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/research
- Heart information: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/heart
- Stroke information: http://www.heartandstroke.ca/stroke
- 2022 Financial statements: https://www.heartandstroke.ca/-/media/pdf-files/what-we-do/financials
- Research Breakthroughs: https://www.heartandstroke.ca/what-we-do/research/impact/research-breakthroughs
Fundraising and Donor Engagement
- Develop, implement and assess fundraising plans and targets on a regular basis to ensure achievement of fundraising objectives derived from major gifts, corporate partnerships and community initiatives with the support of the Development Services team.
- Pro-actively engage with current and prospective donors for major gifts, annual giving initiatives, and corporate partnerships.
- Develop donor/partner plans to achieve fundraising targets.
- Partner with Development Team colleagues to jointly identify and solicit national corporate partners.
- Act as champion for the development of best practices, programs and new innovative initiatives that contribute to increasing funds available for the execution of the H&S mission and instill a culture of philanthropy.
- Ensure annual revenue plan is achieved for the region.
- Provide exceptional leadership to employees and volunteers and rally the team around Heart & Stroke’s vision.
- Align regional plans with the overall strategic direction.
- Build, develop and lead a strong team by creating a culture of excellence and innovation, and implementing effective human resource practices.
- Provide and encourage open, effective and positive communication among employees.
- Engage and build a strong regional Senior Leadership Team.
- Establish succession plans for key positions.
- Act as a role model and foster implementation of the values of the Foundation.
Strategic Plan Implementation
- Provide input into the overall Heart & Stroke strategy.
- Align provincial plans with the strategy and support the implementation of plans in the region in support of the strategic direction.
- Provide updates regarding the attainment of objectives and strategies, as well as issues or challenges.
- As part of H&S’s Executive Team, lead and support transformative change.
- Identify opportunities for process improvement and efficiencies.
- Work pro-actively and collaboratively across the Foundation on problem solving strategies and solutions to increase revenue and mission impact.
- Build our network of partners and strategic alliances to increase reach and impact.
Volunteer Engagement and Management
- Support, sustain and recruit strong and vibrant contributors for the Provincial Advisory Boards (PAB) in NS, NL and PEI.
- Engage Board members to support fundraising activities focusing on individual major gift giving, corporate philanthropy and sponsorships.
- Work with the Mission lead to engage and draw from the Advisory Board strategic insights which help to advance the mission of Heart & Stroke in NS, NF and PEI, in in the areas including advocacy, health systems change, engagement programs, business development, health equity, and mission impact.
- Build and sustain effective working relationships with individual members.
- Keep PAB members apprised on a timely basis about key issues, business opportunities and financial overview.
- Seek advice from the board and successfully leverage their expertise, skills and contributions.
- Lead the development and achievement of annual plans of the Provincial Board.
Mission and External Relations Support
- Partner with the provincial mission lead to support the implementation of mission priorities in NS, NL and PEI as required.
- Participate in advocacy efforts with local and provincial governments to advance the mission.
- Serve as ambassador and spokesperson for the Foundation in the region on all matters related to achieving the strategic plan.
- Work with the Communications team and media to promote the Foundation’s brand and strengthen awareness of its mission, vision and goals.
Talent Management
- Lead talent development, ensuring high standards, competence and that staff is well supported in fulfilling their accountabilities, developing their skills and achieving their career potential.
- Provide clear direction on business goals and priorities; ensure optimal deployment of resources to achieve business goals.
- Build and develop cohesive lateral relationships cross functionally.
- Establish performance plan and objectives and review on an ongoing basis; provide coaching and feedback as per the performance management process.
- As required, recruit skilled talent in support of current and future Foundation needs, following Foundation policies, interviewing methodology and assessment guidelines.
- Familiarize and comply with all HSF policies while ensuring accurate administration of employee related information: absence records, vacation, title, etc.
- Senior management experience with demonstrated ability to contribute to strategy and business planning processes.
- Proven experience and expertise in strategy and plan implementation and execution.
- Demonstrated experience as a highly collaborative, agile, and innovative leader.
- Minimum of 10 years’ experience in fundraising, with a track record of soliciting and closing major gifts and corporate partnerships.
- Ability to lead development and implementation of an innovative fund development plan, including negotiating new partnerships and expanding existing alliances.
- Strong capacity to build trusted relationships to move the strategic agenda forward, both in a matrixed environment and across stakeholder groups in the region.
- Team leadership experience and coaching skills.
- Demonstrated commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment where there is mutual respect and collaboration across all teams.
- Ability to manage volunteer Advisory Boards and/or senior volunteer committees.
- Demonstrated ability to proactively develop a strong network within the region.
- Superb written and verbal communication skills, including experience in proposal, grant and letter writing, as well as donor/partner communications that build engagement.
- Stakeholder and media relations experience with the ability to serve as an articulate, credible representative of Heart & Stroke with diverse constituencies.
- Strong analytical skills and ability to work with databases.
- A University degree or post-secondary education is required for this role.
- CFRE designation and involvement in a professional association are assets.
- Appreciation and understanding of AFP, CAGP, APRA Code of Ethics, Policies and Procedures.
- Health sector experience will be considered an asset.
- Requires a car for occasional to frequent travel within the region.
- Regular travel across the region.
- Expected to attend occasional evening and weekend events.
To be successful in this role, the ideal candidate will possess the following qualities:
- Passion for our mission is exceptionally important in this role.
- Big-picture, strategic thinker with an orientation to new ideas and innovation.
- A strong ability to operate with a high degree of collaboration, influence, and persuasion.
- Highly team-oriented nature with strong empathy and caring.
- Initiative, drive, tenacity, and excellent follow through.
KCI Search and Talent has been retained to conduct this search on behalf of Heart & Stroke. For more information about this leadership opportunity, please contact Sylvie Battisti, Vice-President, Search + Talent at Heart&StrokeSVP@kcitalent.com.
All inquiries and applications will be held in strict confidence.
To apply, please send resume and letter of interest to the email address above by October 13, 2023.
To view the full Executive Brief, please visit: www.kcitalent.com
At Heart & Stroke, we believe in equity, diversity, and inclusion; it’s embedded in our values and core mission work to support all people in Canada to lead healthier lives. We are committed to applying this principle in order to cultivate a welcoming environment that embraces diversity among our employees. Candidates from diverse backgrounds, including but not limited to, Indigenous peoples, racialized and LGBTQ2+ communities, women, and people with disabilities, are encouraged to apply.
Heart & Stroke is committed to fostering an inclusive, barrier-free, and accessible environment. If you are contacted for an interview and require accommodation to participate in the recruitment and selection process, please advise and we will work with you to meet your needs.
Please note that Heart & Stroke has a vaccination policy that requires all employees to be fully vaccinated unless they have a valid exemption.
Please note that the hiring salary for this position is $180,000 to $220,000.